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[en] How To Save A Run Order

[en] It is always a good idea to save your work often. The save button is in the main toolbar.

[en] The icon is the floppy disc


[en] To save your work click the save button.

[en] If this is the first time you have saved your run order Windows Explorer will open and you can select where to save. The file extension is .awp

[en] You can also save your work at any time by clicking CTRL+S

[en] When you have made an edit to your run order, but have not yet saved it, the save button will be white.

[en] When you have made an edit to your run order, and then save it the save button will be grey in colour.


[en] As soon as you enter text into the text editor pane, a run order header will automatically appear in the title bar as *Untiltled:


[en] When you have saved your work, this will be renamed with the title you used to save the script.

[en] For example, when we save the run order as "First Script" the title bar will show this:


[en] You will see that the star "*" has now been removed.

[en] The * will be displayed whenever an edit is made to a run order without it being saved.

[en] This is a reminder that your work needs to be saved.

[en] If you would like to save your work as an additional version, or with a different title, click the arrow next to the Save button and select Save As:


[en] If you have made changes to your run order and try to close it, or the application, without saving first, you will see a warning message:
